This study also confirms that the ionisation mechanism is related to shocks instead of UV radiation from the central source. It was possible to measure mass-loss and momentum rates on the order of 10-5Msun yr-1 and 10-2Msun yr-1 km s-1, respectively, without relying on assumptions on the ionisation fraction. e., the jet is launched magneto-centrifugally. This suggests a common launching mechanism, i. The value obtained (~10%) is similar to that found in jets driven by low-mass protostars. For the first time, the ionisation fraction from a jet driven by a massive protostar has been measured. I observe, spatially coincident atomic near-infrared (NIR) and ionised radio jet emission. In the second science chapter, I study the unique case of G35.2-0.74N, a 10M sun HMYSO (Fedriani et al. I used Hi emission lines to perform spectro-astrometry to probe the massive protostellar jet at au-scales and connect it with the parsec-scale jet. I measured mass-loss and momentum rates on the order of 10^-4M sun yr-1 and 10^-2Msun yr-1 km s-1, respectively. My first science chapter is a study of the kinematic and dynamic properties of the 20M HMYSO IRAS 13481-6124 (Fedriani et al. In this thesis, I investigate the formation of high-mass young stellar objects (HMYSOs) and the properties of their protostellar jets. From parsec to au scales : zooming-in on the formation of high-mass young stellar objects