It is one of the most open-ended rooms in the game, with items that can serve entertainment as well as refreshments. The staff room allows staff to both rest as well as rebuild stamina. The staff room serves a single purpose in your hospital help your staff recover. If you like the finer things, you can get Golden Toilets for your hospital. You don’t need staff for this room, although janitors will clean them and water any plants. It is easy to squeeze quite a bit into a 2×3 bathroom, so look for dead space in your hospital that won’t fit any other room types and squeeze them in when you can. You can actually toggle who has access to certain restrooms, sorting by staff vs patient, by gender, or even by staff position. I don’t have to tell you what this room is for do I? Ok, fine. Each time your pharmacy cures a patient you get paid! Expect to build several of these. The most important part of your pharmacy is the Drug Mixer, a device that creates treatments for common ailments. In the early game, the pharmacy will be one of your major profit makers. The earliest room dedicated to the treatment of illnesses is the pharmacy. While a reception room is fairly basic, many early hospitals will operate perfectly well with a single reception desk near the entrance. This room can hold multiple assistants, making it the easiest way to clear any logjam in assigning new patients to be diagnosed.

The successor to the simple reception desk, the Reception Room is a block of reception desks built into a square. However, it is typically best to build the offices small to allow for growth elsewhere in your hospital. If you have room to spare you can build larger, more prestigious GPs offices. A significant portion of your staff and hospitals may need to focus on GP’s Offices. Be sure to keep an eye on the queue for each GP’s Office as it is often the first place a bottleneck will build up in the early parts of the game. Some specialized rooms may have useful bonuses for diagnosing a certain illness, but you will always need GP’s Offices. The GP’s office is operated by a doctor and is the most basic room used for diagnosing illnesses. The first room you will encounter is the general practitioner’s office. Additionally, you can unlock some rooms by completing objectives offered during the game. You can unlock some rooms by achieving specific star ratings in a hospital. You won’t begin the game with access to every type of treatment room. We will also go over all of the hospitals available, as well as briefly discuss aspects of training and research. In this Two Point Hospital guide, we will take you through all of the types of rooms, the illnesses they treat, and the staff you need to keep them running. You will design the layout of the hospitals, choose the types of treatment rooms, hire and train staff, and make decisions about scientific research. Ultimately, Two Point Hospital is about building your empire of hospitals by growing your business without going bankrupt.